Pulling dog sport
Pulling a handcart is also a variant of pulling dog sports. Large breeds such as swiss mounmtain dogs are particulary suitable for this. The biggest challenge ist o teach the dog how to pull with the pull rod. In the past, for example, milk cans were driven into the village or goods were transported with the help of a small cart.
The dog pulls a special scooter. The driver can support the dog with a special push on technique. The scooters are specially designed for pulling dog sports and have all-terrain tires, powerful brakes and a stable frame so that two dogs can be harnessed. Scooters are particularly suitable for larger, powerful dogs, who are less able to support people in this type of dog sport than on a bicycle, for example.
Canicross ist suitable for alle agile and healthy dogs. There are a few basic requirements so that you and your four-legged friend can enjoy working together.